
LP48_2Cleereman Industries offers a full line of high quality sawmill carriages. Utilizing simple yet highly functional designs, Cleereman carriages have proven to be very accurate and dependable machines in the rugged sawmill environment.

The AS series offers a full range of carriage sizes using the Cleereman air setworks and setshaft to position the knees. These carriages require no computer controls and the mechanical setworks provides good adjustability and excellent accuracy.

The HS series offers a full range of carriage sizes using the Hydraulic proportional setworks and setshaft to position the knees. A computer controls the hydraulic drive to create higher knee speeds and highly accurate sets.

The LP and Extreme Duty series offer a full range of carriage sizes using linear positioning cylinders to position each knee individually. A computerized setworks controls the knee positioning and infinite tapering. This series can be equipped with a variety of computerized scanning packages to optimize the yield and production speeds required by your mill.

Let the Cleereman Carriage line be your next sawmill investment.

Air Setwork Carriages

Hydraulic Setwork Carriages

Linear Positioning Carriage